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Page 33

  New Passive Skill: Block

  You have learned how to block attacks with a metal disc. Good for you!

  Skill Level: Intermediate Level 1

  Effect 1: 10% increased speed and reflexes when blocking attacks.

  Effect 2: 1% chance to stun your opponent for 1 second on block.

  New Active Skill: Shield Bash

  Nothing hurts more than a blow to the head with your precious metal disc. Well, actually a lot of things probably hurt more, but I’m sure your opponent will be surprised at least.

  Skill Level: Intermediate Level 1

  Effect 1: 150% increased weapon damage when striking with your shield.

  Effect 2: 50% chance to stun your opponent for 1 second on attack.

  Cost: 50 Stamina.

  New Active Skill: Crushing Blow

  You have learned how to harness the strength of your sword, turning a regular attack into a devastating blow. This skill is more effective if you also know how to aim your attacks.

  Skill Level: Intermediate Level 1

  Effect 1: 200% increased weapon damage when striking with your sword.

  Effect 2: 1% chance to cause bleeding.

  Cost: 70 Stamina.

  I guess I’m some sort of tank now, Jason thought. He tried to pull up his Character Status to review his stats, but quickly discovered that the option was now grayed out on his system menu. He supposed that meant his statistics were locked.

  “Okay, I can handle the class change, but what the hell is this?” Riley demanded.

  Jason glanced over at the archer and did a double take. Her clothing had changed entirely. Instead of her usual black leather, Riley was now wearing thick chainmail. However, the armor didn’t cover much, stopping just under her breasts and leaving most of her stomach and legs uncovered. It looked like she was wearing a metal bikini and mini skirt. Jason couldn’t help but stare in surprise. She looked like she was about to do battle on a medieval beach.

  “Umm, what happened to your armor?” Jason asked hesitantly, a bit distracted by her new appearance. He hadn’t really seen Riley wearing anything but somber leather armor until now, and he was coming to the uncomfortable realization that she had a fantastic figure.

  As Riley caught Jason staring at her, she blushed and tugged at the chainmail, trying to cover herself better with the scanty material. “Eyes up here, buddy.”

  When she realized that there was no way she could make the chainmail cover herself, Riley’s embarrassment quickly morphed into anger. She tilted her head toward the sky to address the god. “This is ridiculous. Where is my real armor?”

  “Well, I thought maybe you needed a change of wardrobe,” the god’s voice boomed from the clouds, sounding a little uncomfortable. “We came up with something that we felt would resonate with a male audience. You know how hard it is to get the menfolk to attend the theater without falling asleep. I swear that Fluffy thought it would be a good idea.”

  Riley whirled to face the black sheep, and he edged behind Eliza to get out of her line of sight, a guilty look on his face. “Oh, and I suppose you hired some chauvinistic blacksmith to build this, huh?” she retorted angrily, shouting up at the god. “How is this supposed to protect me?”

  “Well, it looks like it technically has the same armor stats…” Jason began tentatively.

  “Are you seriously inspecting me right now?” Riley demanded, turning to level her glare at Jason.

  He put up his hands defensively, “No I just…” As Jason saw Riley’s expression, he suddenly decided maybe it was time to shut his mouth.

  Riley whirled back to address the god once more, “Give me real armor or I’m not participating in your stupid play.”

  “I wouldn’t exactly call it…” the hippie began.

  “New. Armor. Now,” Riley reiterated.

  “Fine, just give me a second,” the Hippie finally replied in defeat.

  The group could hear the snap of the god’s fingers, and suddenly Riley’s armor shifted again. As her equipment completed its second transformation, Jason could see that she was now wearing full chainmail that completely covered her torso, arms, and legs. The Hippie had also provided her with a thick leather cloak – likely to compensate for his mistake.

  “Happy now?” the Hippie asked. He sounded a bit moody.

  “It’s better,” Riley replied curtly.

  “I wish I could say the same for my dress,” Eliza muttered, fingering the thin fabric of her new outfit, a floral print dotting its surface. She didn’t look happy, but at least her attire wasn’t quite as revealing or impractical.

  “I’m not surprised. It appears that our director is a pig,” Riley said to the water mage.

  “Umm, so where exactly is this town we’re supposed to deliver the sheep to?” Frank interjected, wisely staying out of the clothing debate that was still raging between the female members of their party.

  “It’s to the west through the forest,” the Hippie explained in a sullen tone. “Speaking of which, I guess I’ll leave you to it. Especially since it appears my design choices aren’t appreciated.” The group then heard grumbling and footsteps – followed closely by what sounded like a door slamming.

  Jason shook his head, listening to Riley and Eliza complain and watching Frank examine his new notifications skeptically. Meanwhile, the flock of sheep milled about them, nibbling on the grass that swayed gently in the breeze. This new quest was going to be challenging. Putting aside the capricious water god’s crazy storyline, they didn’t have any of their regular equipment or skills and the sheep would likely be a major liability.

  As Jason glanced at the tree line of the forest to the west, he could have sworn he heard a faint howl in the distance. Although, the sound was difficult to make out over Riley and Eliza’s conversation. He suspected that this wasn’t going to be a simple walk through the forest.

  Chapter 24 - Perilous

  George was sitting in his office at Cerillion Entertainment looking over a series of reports provided by Francis and Ryan. It appeared that the detective was being overzealous in his investigation and Francis was continuing to face challenges in getting the police department to drop Jason as a suspect. His aunt’s house was also still an active crime scene since the detective had ordered a more exhaustive forensic examination of the home.

  To make matters worse, George’s head of security now suspected that the break-in was initially orchestrated by an outside party – which might partially explain the detective’s “enthusiasm.” Ryan had obtained records indicating that a series of text messages had been exchanged between one of the teenage assailants and some unknown third party. George was surprised by how much Ryan had uncovered, and he suspected that he had been forced to go through back channels and solicit some help from outside hackers to secure that information. He would have to remember to give him a sizable bonus this year.

  George’s gaze now lingered on the most troubling part of Ryan’s report. “I suspect Alex may have been somehow complicit in the break-in, but additional investigation is required,” George read the sentence aloud for the fourth time, the knot in his stomach refusing to unclench no matter how many times he repeated the conclusion.

  Alex had withdrawn cash the day before the break-in. His Core had also been deactivated that day, and so there was no way to trace his location. However, a few public cameras had picked up Alex downtown near an electronics store. This was consistent with the story he had told Ryan about visiting an exclusive club – aside from the fact that he was spotted downtown in the middle of the afternoon. That hardly seemed like the time of day to go clubbing.

  George jumped slightly as a chime sounded through his office, and he immediately swept away the reports. His secretary popped her head in a moment later. “Robert Graham is here to see you, sir.”

  “Let him in,” George directed, grabbing a small jar from his desk drawer. He shook out a tiny white pill and promptly popped it into his mouth. Swallowing hard, he regretted that
he didn’t have a glass of water at hand.

  Robert stepped into the room a few seconds later and approached George’s desk. He slumped down in the chair opposite George. “I’m here for an update on our development project,” Robert explained when George didn’t greet him immediately.

  As Robert took in George’s haggard appearance, he hesitated. “Are you okay? You look kind of tired.”

  “I’m fine,” George answered briskly. He was aware that dark circles hung under his eyes and his suit likely showed small wrinkles – evidence that he had worked through the night. He shouldn’t be abusing energy pills like this, but he had been tackling a lot recently with the CPSC breathing down his throat and the lingering issues associated with both Jason and Alex. That was on top of his normal duties running the company.

  “So how is your project coming along?” George asked, trying to switch the subject.

  Robert tapped at his Core and projected a detailed readout into the air above the desk. “See for yourself. We have made quite a bit of progress in replicating the hyper-cognitive state that Alfred can induce in the players. We aren’t all the way there yet, but I expect we are only a few months away.”

  “Good. Very good,” George replied as he looked over the data. Robert had made remarkable progress in such a short period of time. “And Claire? How is she doing? I know I asked you to keep an eye on her.”

  Robert glanced down, avoiding eye contact. “She has been spending quite a bit of time communicating with the CPSC. As far as I can tell, her reports only relate to the incident between Jason and the game master.”

  The engineer hesitated, glancing at the city skyline behind George. “There’s something else?” George probed.

  “She has been asking unusual questions, and she seems especially paranoid of Alfred,” Robert began, choosing his words carefully. “I don’t have anything concrete yet, but she seems more closed off than normal. She used to get onto me for minor violations of company policy constantly, but now… she almost seems oblivious.”

  “Perhaps you have finally worn her down?” George offered with a small smile.

  “Maybe,” Robert said with a chuckle of his own. “But it feels like more than that. I don’t have any evidence, mind you. It’s just a hunch.”

  George nodded. “Okay, I’ll keep my eyes peeled, and you should do the same. We cannot afford any leaks at this stage. Gloria is already watching us like a hawk. It will only take one slip up to turn this into a PR nightmare.”

  “I’m aware,” Robert replied evenly, his expression sober. “I’ll leave my full report with you,” he continued, pushing the file to George’s machine with his Core. “Let me know if you have any questions after you dig into the details.”

  “I will,” George replied. Then Robert excused himself with a curt nod before quickly exiting the office.

  George’s eyes followed the engineer as he left, his brow furrowed in thought. He was worried. It felt like he was losing control – like everything was coming unwound, and he was grasping after loose threads. Maybe he was being paranoid, or this was a product of fatigue, but he just couldn’t shake the feeling that something big was about to happen.


  The group walked through the forest, branches towering above them and blocking the sunlight. As soon as they had approached the tree line, the world had immediately darkened around them, the canopy blocking far more light than Jason would have expected. It gave the forest a sinister cast despite the fact that it had been a beautiful day only moments before.

  They had decided to put Frank in the lead and have Jason hold up the rear, sandwiching the small flock of sheep between them. Riley and Eliza walked along either side of the herd, Riley’s eyes scanning the forest carefully. Eliza looked nervous, and she kept stumbling as her staff caught on the occasional rock embedded in the roadway.

  “Do you think this is part of the normal game world?” Frank asked, breaking the unnatural silence that hung over the forest. Jason couldn’t even detect the chirp and buzz of insects.

  “I don’t think so,” Eliza replied cautiously, adjusting her glasses. “The Hippie seems to be able to bend time and space inside the game – much like what he did with the first-floor maze. The way this place responds to his suggestions make me think that it’s some sort of private instance.”

  “That seems overpowered as hell,” Frank muttered in reply. “Besides, how is creating something like this related to water mana? I only ever see water mages blasting things away with ice – or poisonous fog, I guess,” he amended with a glance at Eliza.

  Eliza’s brow furrowed in thought. “I’m not sure. There are a number of illusion spells in the water school. Maybe this is like an advanced version? However, I’ve never seen him create something this powerful before…”

  “He might be stronger since we’re inside his temple,” Jason added, keeping a watchful eye on the road behind them. “I bet there is a mana well in the throne room – much like the one we found in the Twilight Throne. I also can’t help but think he’s drawing on dark mana as well. That’s probably why we keep running into undead.”

  And he probably has access to two powerful magical relics, Jason thought sourly, recalling Lord Baen’s quest and his recent visions. Although, he didn’t think that revealing that information would help with morale at the moment.

  “Hopefully, he’ll run out of juice soon,” Riley replied in a frustrated voice, still clearly miffed about the Hippie’s attempt to dress her in a chainmail bikini. “Then I plan to deck him. One solid punch straight in the middle of his irritating face. That’s all I want.”

  Jason couldn’t help but chuckle. “You better get in line. I think Eliza is in front of you right now.” Eliza snorted softly in reply, and he detected a small smile. “By the way, how did your classes change?” Jason continued, “I gained some new shield abilities, and it looks like I’m supposed to be some sort of tank.”

  “I have a few area-of-effect skills, but everything is melee,” Frank replied, swiping at the air in front of him as he reviewed character information. “It looks like all my shapeshifting skills are gone for now.”

  “Same here,” Riley added. “I have a few basic archer abilities, but that’s it.”

  “What about you, Eliza?” Jason asked, noting that the water mage had stayed quiet.

  “My skills don’t make any sense,” she replied with an embarrassed expression, not quite meeting Jason’s gaze. “I guess I’m still a caster, but all my spells are sheep-themed. I have no idea how they are going to work in combat.”

  “Great! So we basically get to wing it with our crappy new classes,” Frank complained. “I’m sure our crazy director won’t throw anything at us that is unfair or one-sided…”

  As though Frank had summoned the Hippie, his voice suddenly boomed from the sky, “Act 2: the players trod sullenly down a dusty road, complaining loudly… Oh, sorry those are the scene notes. Ahh, here we go!”

  The Hippie coughed to clear his throat before beginning again, “The players wandered down a winding road, yet their nervousness barely showed. Except for the beefy one, he must weigh a ton. His bulk trembled in fear, afraid he might finally meet his peer.”

  “You have to be kidding me right now,” Frank muttered as Jason stifled a chuckle.

  “Ahem, I said the barbarian was trembling,” the Hippie’s voice boomed from above the trees. “I don’t see any trembling.”

  “Come down here, and I’ll show you some trembling!” Frank shouted at the god.

  “As fun as that sounds, I have something different in mind. So, picking up where we left off… Ahh, there,” the god said to the sound of shuffling paper. “Yet up ahead the group heard a howl, it seemed that monsters were on the prowl!”

  As the Hippie finished speaking, the already foreboding forest darkened further until it appeared that night had fallen. An eerie howl came from the woods around the group, sending a shiver up Jason’s back. The group scanned the tree line anxiousl
y as the sheep bleated softly in fear and huddled toward the center of the roadway.

  “Group up and keep your eyes peeled,” Jason ordered, pulling the shield from his back and unsheathing his sword. The weapons felt awkward in his hands, even though the game supplied the memories of how to use them.

  The group held their weapons at the ready and peered into the murky gloom that now hovered around them. Howls and yipping sounds occasionally echoed from the trees. Without warning, a dark form leaped from the trees from the rear, barreling toward Jason. He just barely raised his shield before a crushing weight descended upon him and knocked him onto his back. The air exited his lungs in a rush, and his sword clattered to the ground nearby, ripped from his grip by the unexpected charge. He struggled under the massive creature, its fangs gnashing at the air in front of his face as he struggled for breath.

  A giant black wolf hovered above Jason, its body nearly eight feet long. Droplets of saliva rained down on Jason as he barely kept the beast at bay with his shield, which was thankfully still strapped to his arm. He could hear the shouts of his friend nearby and the howl of other wolves, but no one came to his rescue. His mind raced as he realized that they must have been attacked by the rest of the pack.

  Jason glanced to his side and caught sight of his sword lying nearby. He strained toward it with his free hand, already beginning to feel his strength failing under the weight of the wolf. Its claws gained purchase on his shoulder, tearing through his chainmail like butter and plunging into his flesh. With a scream of pain, Jason stretched farther, his fingers just barely scraping against the hilt of his sword. Finally grabbing hold of the weapon, he immediately plunged the blade into the wolf’s neck, stabbing over and over again as he used Crushing Blow.

  Blood rained down on his face, momentarily clouding his vision. The wolf lunged forward in desperation, its fangs snapping shut mere centimeters from Jason’s face. As the creature retreated, Jason stabbed forward again, his blade sinking into the wolf’s eye. A moment later, he felt the monster slump against him, unmoving. Its remaining eye gazed at him dully.